In addition to the hardware requirements, the operating system must be one ofthe following: Inaddition, you'll likely want a monitor displaying a minimum of thousands ofcolors with resolution set to at least 1024x768 pixels�with the minimumresolution, you'd not be able to take advantage of Photoshop's PaletteWell. Realistically,consider at least 192MB of RAM (128MB for Photoshop, 64MB for the operatingsystem) and a video card with at least 16MB of on-board video memory (VRAM). Photoshop requires at least a Pentium III-class processor, 128MB of availableRAM, a video card capable of 8-bit color (256 total colors), and a monitorcapable of displaying a resolution of at least 800圆00 pixels. Thischapter looks at computer equipment that can make your production speedier, aswell as Photoshop's Preferences and how to set them for improvedefficiency. Of course, inaddition to the minimum requirements, it's good to know what you cando�both hardware and software�to make Photoshop run faster. There are certain minimum requirementsfor both the computer's hardware and the operating system. As such, itwon't run on just any old computer. Photoshop 7 is a rather sophisticated piece of software. Photoshop Quick Fix�Replacing the Preferences
Special Edition Using Adobe® Photoshop® 7